jank development update - A faster object model
Jul 08, 2023 · Jeaye Wilkerson

This quarter, my work on jank is being sponsored by Clojurists Together. The terms of the work are to research a new object model for jank, with the goal of making jank code faster across the board. This is a half-way report and I'm excited to share my results!

The problem

Before getting into any solutions, or celebrating any wins, we need to talk about why this work is being done at all. As you can see in my previous development updates, jank is fast. It can beat Clojure in each benchmark I've published so far. However, some parts of jank's runtime are still quite slow and, unfortunately, the problem is systemic.

Generally speaking, the problem can be boiled down to this: the JVM is ridiculously fast at allocations. That's important, since Clojure is, to put it nicely, very liberal with its allocations. jank overcomes this, in some ways, by just allocating a whole lot less. Still, each allocation pushes Clojure ahead in benchmarks and it adds up.

So, JVM allocations are fast, but why are jank's slow? To understand this requires an understanding of C++ inheritance and virtual function tables (vtables), so let's cover that at an implementation level.

Virtual function tables

Clojure is thoroughly polymorphic. Everything is an Object, which can then have any number of interfaces it implements, all of which can be extended, checked at run-time, etc. To accomplish this, in C++, I modeled the objects quite closely to how they are in Clojure's Java runtime. Let's take a look.

Let's take a stripped down jank base object:

struct jank_object : gc
{ virtual std::string to_native_string() const = 0; };

Now let's define our boxed string object:

struct jank_string : jank_object
  std::string to_native_string() const override
  { return data; }

  std::string data{};

This is how each object is modeled in jank, currently, and it's mostly the same as how they are in Java. Each boxed string, hash map, vector, integer, etc inherits from a base object and overrides some functionality. We can use g++ -fdump-lang-class foo.cpp to put these sample types into a file and see the generated class hierarchy details. The output of that is long and confusing, though, so I've turned them into simpler diagrams. Let's take a look at jank_string.

So, jank_string is 40 bytes (8 for the jank_object vtable pointer + 32 for the std::string). It has its own static vtable and a vptr to it, since it inherits from jank_object and overrides a function. Whenever a jank_string is allocated, these vtable pointers need to be initialized. All of this is handled by the C++ compiler, and is implementation-defined, so we don't have much control over it.

Let's take this a step further and add another behavior, since I need to be able to get the size of a jank_string.

struct jank_countable
{ virtual size_t count() const = 0; };

struct jank_string : jank_object, jank_countable
  std::string to_native_string() const override
  { return data; }

  size_t count() const override
  { return data.size(); }

  std::string data{};

So now we add jank_countable into the mix and implement that for jank_string. What has this done to our vtables? Well, jank_countable needs its own vtable and jank_string is going to need a pointer to it.

Notice that jank_string was 40 bytes, but now it's 48 bytes, due to the additional pointer to the jank_countable vtable. It's important to note here that we didn't just make every string we allocate larger, which may slow down allocations, we also added another field to be initialized, which will certainly slow down allocations.

I'm sure you get the point, so let me wrap this section up by noting that Clojure's object model involves a lot of behaviors. Here's what jank's map object looks like right now:

struct map
  : object,
{ /* ... */ };

That's six vtable pointers and it covers maybe half of the functionality which Clojure's maps have. I just haven't implemented the rest yet. As I do, jank's maps will become slower and slower to allocate.

Garbage collectors

Before going further, I need to note that all of my Clojure benchmarking has been done on my local Linux desktop running OpenJDK 11 with the G1 GC. jank is currently using the Boehm GC, which is a conservative, non-moving GC that's super easy to use, but not the fastest on the market. More on this later, but note that jank has a lot of room to grow in terms of allocation speed by using a more tailored GC integration.

Initial numbers

By benchmarking the creation of non-empty hash maps ({:a :b} specifically), we can paint a pretty clear picture of the issue I've been describing.

For Clojure, it takes about 16ns to allocate. For jank, that number is nearly doubled to 31ns. So what can be done? Clojure depends on this level of polymorphism, and virtual functions are how you accomplish this in C++, so what else can we even do?

Static runtimes

Let's consider how a completely static runtime might be implemented. For example, let's assume I had a simple language which only supported a few object types, with no syntax for defining new types or protocols or even extending existing ones. This would often be implemented using something like a tagged union in C-like languages. Here's a quick example:

enum class object_type

using nil_t = struct { };
using string_t = char const *;
using integer_t = long;

struct object
  /* Each object has a "tag", which is generally an enum. */
  object_type type;

  /* Each object can store one of each type, but all in the same location. */
    nil_t nil;
    string_t string;
    integer_t integer;

void print(object const &o)
    case object_type::nil:
    case object_type::string:
      fmt::print("{}", o.string);
    case object_type::integer:
      fmt::print("{}", o.integer);

So, if you're not familiar how unions work, they just store all of the possible fields listed in the union in the same memory space. The union is as big as its largest field. The tag accompanies the union and informs you how to treat that memory (i.e. as a integer, string, etc). In order to access data from the union, we generally just use a switch statement on the tag.

The main drawback with this approach is that all possible types need to be known at compile-time, since they're part of the enum, the union, and each switch statement. However, the main benefit of this approach is the same. All types are known at compile-time, so compilers have everything they need to optimize access. There are no vtables, object allocations are all the same size, each function call can potentially be inlined, and so on.

A hybrid runtime

Clojure demands polymorphism, but it also has a well known set of static types. In fact, we model most of our programs just using Clojure's built-in data structures, so why not optimize for that case? The entirely open, polymorphic case doesn't need to negatively impact the average case.

This reasoning lead me to prototyping and benchmarking a tagged object model for jank. However, since jank is not a trivial language, the tagged implementation couldn't quite be as simple as my example above. There are a few key concerns.

Concern 1: Unions

Unions are very limiting. Even with jank's static objects, there is a large variety in object size. Requiring every integer, for example, to be as big as a hash map is not ideal. Numbers need to be fast to allocate and use.

Fortunately, C++ offers a great deal more power than C when it comes to compile-time polymorphism, in the form of templates, so we can take advantage of that. Let's see what that looks like:

enum class object_type

template <object_type T>
struct static_object;

template <>
struct static_object<object_type::nil> : gc
{ };

template <>
struct static_object<object_type::integer> : gc
{ native_integer data{}; };

Ok, let me break this down. We start with the same enum as with the static runtime example. Here I'm just showing nil and integer. Then, we have a new static_object struct template. It's parameterized on the object type. Note that templates can be parameterized on types as well as certain values. Here we're parameterizing on the enum value itself. We can specialize this template for each value of object_type and each one can be a completely distinct struct, with its own fields. However, they're all tied together by the combination of static_object and some enum value. This usage of templates is kind of like Clojure's multi-methods, but for compile-time types.

This is much more flexible than the union approach, since each object type has its own definition and size. The size of the integer specialization will be far smaller than the size of the map specialization.

However, the work isn't done yet.

Concerns 2 and 3: Type erasure and stable pointers

With the above static_object template, we can allocate an integer and it has its own strong, static type. However, to achieve Clojure's polymorphism, we need type erasure. For example, we need to be able to store any type of object in a vector, or as a key in a map. When using inheritance, we have a base object type for that. When using the union based approach, every object fits inside of a single object type. However, in our type-rich object model, each object type is discrete. We need a common way to refer to them, while still being able to get back to the static object. On top of that, we need a way to unerase the type, allowing us to get back to the original static object. This is Concern 2.

Also, Concern 3 is that the pointers we use to hang onto these objects need to be stable and they need to correspond with the pointers the GC gave us when we allocated them. This is because the GC is constantly scanning the process memory for references to those pointers; if we type-erase to some other pointer value and hang onto that, the GC may suspect nobody is referencing the original value anymore and take the liberty of freeing it.

We can solve both of these problems with the same addition: a simple object type which contains our object_type enum. If every static_object specialization has this object type as its first member, we can ensure that a pointer to the object member is the same value as a pointer to the static_object itself (and we can static_assert this to ensure padding doesn't bite us). With that knowledge, we can reinterpret any object pointer to be a static_object pointer, based on doing a switch on the object type. Here's how it would look:

enum class object_type

/* An object type which contain the enum value. */
struct object
{ object_type type{}; };
using object_ptr = object*;

template <object_type T>
struct static_object;

/* Each specialization composes the object type as its first member. */
template <>
struct static_object<object_type::nil> : gc
{ object base{ object_type::nil }; };

template <>
struct static_object<object_type::integer> : gc
  object base{ object_type::integer };
  native_integer data{};

void print(object const &o)
    case object_type::nil:
    case object_type::integer:
      /* We can cast right from the object pointer to the static_object pointer. */
      auto const typed_o(reinterpret_cast<static_object<object_type::integer> const*>(&o));

This is the classic composition versus inheritance change. The previous version of jank's object model followed Clojure JVM's design of using inheritance. This new design uses composition, by having each static object have the base object as its first member.

Concern 4: Switch statements

Imagine if we had to write a switch statement everywhere we wanted polymorphism. In a simpler language that uses the classic tagged union approach, especially when written in C, this would typically just be the way things work. However, surely modern C++ has some more robust features for us to use instead? Indeed it does.

We can get around this duplication by having the switch in only one place and using the visitor pattern to access it. The result looks like this:

template <typename F>
[[gnu::always_inline, gnu::flatten, gnu::hot]]
inline void visit_object(object * const erased, F &&fn)
    case object_type::nil:
    case object_type::integer:

void print(object const &o)
    /* Generic anonymous function. */
    [](auto const typed_o)
      using T = std::decay_t<decltype(typed_o)>;

      if constexpr(std::same_as<T, static_nil*>)
      { fmt::print("nil"); }
      else if constexpr(std::same_as<T, static_integer*>)
      { fmt::print("{}", typed_o->data); }

The vistor pattern here allows us to specify a generic lambda, which is basically shorthand for a function template which accepts any input. The anonymous function will be called with the fully typed static_object and we can use compile-time branching based on the type of the parameter to do the things we want. This means the most optimal code is generated and there's static type checking every step of the way, even in our polymorphic system.

The annotations above visit_object instruct the compiler to optimize all of this away. As I will show in just a bit, this is no challenge at all. The visitor pattern is not at all present in the generated binary.

I know that the if constexpr branching didn't save us any lines, compared to the switch, in the previous example. Hang tight while we address that.

Concern 5: Polymorphic behaviors

Finally, we hit our last concern. Objects in Clojure are polymorphic, but they can also be referred to by their own polymorphic behaviors. For example, in jank, we have behaviors for countable (for use with count), associatively_readable (which supplies access to get), etc. These aren't objects on their own; they're behaviors for objects. In typical OOP terms, they're interfaces which these objects implement. In a world with static objects and compile-time branching to visit them, how do we handle these behaviors?

Well, C++20 introduces an improved take on the idea of compile-time behaviors in what it calls concepts. So, let's define a concept for getting a string from an object. I like to end all of these behaviors with able, even when it doesn't grammatically work at all, as a cheeky jab at OOP.

template <typename T>
concept stringable = requires(T * const t)
  { t->to_string() } -> std::convertible_to<native_string>;

C++20 concepts are just compile-time predicates, but they're quite flexible. This is a predicate for some type T that checks if you can call ->to_string() on an instance of it and get something compatible with a native_string. This is less specific than a C++ interface which says you need to implement something like virtual native_string to_string() const, since it allows returning references to strings, or something which can convert to a string.

Keep in mind that, while inheritance is intrusive, concepts are not. They're just predicates for types and are not coupled to any given type. This is analogous to the structural typing versus nominal typing discussion.

If we wanted to use this in our print function, we could just do:

void print(object const &o)
    [](auto const typed_o)
      using T = std::decay_t<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(typed_o)>>;
      /* Alternatively, I could `if constexpr` check here and
         do something else otherwise. */
      static_assert(stringable<T>, "Object must be stringable");

      fmt::print("{}", typed_o->to_string());

Finally, let's wrap up with a more real world example. In Clojure, getting the length of a sequence can be an O(n) operation. However, some sequences may already know their length, or have it cached. In Clojure, there's a Counted interface for this; in jank, it's called countable. The old inheritance version of countable looked like this:

struct countable
  virtual ~countable() = default;
  virtual size_t count() const = 0;

The concept for it would be very similar:

template <typename T>
concept countable = requires(T * const t)
  { t->count() } -> std::convertible_to<size_t>;

And we can conditionally use it when measuring a sequences length:

size_t sequence_length(object_ptr const s)
  if(s == nullptr)
  { return 0; }

  return visit_object
    [](auto const typed_s)
      using T = std::decay_t<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(typed_s)>>;

      if constexpr(countable<T>)
      { return c->count(); }
      { /* Normal O(n) code... */ }

The numbers

This has been a lot of theory, but my aim here is to shed light on how these things work. Your feedback on whether or not this is a good level of detail is very welcome, so please reach out to me any way you can to let me know your thoughts. Now let's celebrate some wins!

Non-empty map allocations are down from 31ns to 17ns, which is marginally higher than Clojure's 16ns. As I mentioned, the Boehm GC isn't the fastest on the market, so there's more work to be done here. Still, this is a huge win. Remember that jank has been consistently beating Clojure in benchmarks without these changes, so this is going to set it well ahead.

Map operations such as get and count were already very fast, compared to Clojure. This is one area which allowed jank to make up for its slower allocations. However, with the static objects, visitors, and concepts, these benchmarks also dropped significantly.

I'm very excited to benchmark more once I've finished this work, but there's still more to do. This is only a half-way report!


Initial prototyping and benchmarking is finished and I'm ripping apart jank's inheritance object model to replace it with the tagged object model. This is a large effort, which is why I wanted to get this done while jank was still young; it changes how every jank object works. At the end of the quarter, I'll be presenting more final numbers, as well as outlining future plans.

Wrapping up

You may be wondering how jank will handle dynamic objects now. For those, there will just be an enum value for dynamic, which will then rely entirely on jank protocols for its behavior. This currently cuts off the static object model from the dynamic object model, in the sense that the static objects rely on concepts and not protocols. However, I think that jank can still maintain the strong Clojure compatibility goal with this approach. ClojureScript, for example, doesn't implement all of Clojure JVM's protocol API. With this design, jank can implement all that ClojureScript does, which fits my overall mantra of "If it works in both Clojure and ClojureScript, it should work in jank."

In the original announcement of this work, I noted that I would be investigating various ECS frameworks as a way of representing objects and behaviors. While I didn't go over them much here, I did a deep dive into them (in particular FLECS and EnTT) and ruled them out. The primary reason is that they cannot address Concern 3, meaning they won't play well with garbage collection. The secondary reason would be that they would require multiple allocations per object, since behaviors are stored separately from entities, which is going to slow things down rather than speed them up.

Also, to those C++ devs wondering if I've just reimplemented variant, in some ways you're right. I benchmarked boost::variant against this implementation and it's equally fast for map get and count. However, variants are significantly slower to allocate than a static_object. Allocation speeds was the primary focus here, so I had to roll my own.

Thanks again

As a reminder, my work on jank this quarter is sponsored by Clojurists Together. Thank you to all of the members there who chose jank for this quarter. Thanks, also, to all of my Github sponsors. Your continued support fuels jank's continued development!

I've already submitted a proposal for next quarter, to build out jank's namespace loading, class file generating, compilation cache, and class path handling. This leads into support for multi-file projects, leiningen integration, and AOT compilation, so if you'd like to see this work funded, reach out to me!

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  4. Hire me full-time to work on jank!